Tuesday 8 March 2011

Main Task - Planning

   This week we were given the brief for our main task, which is to film a two minute opening of a film. We were then put in to different groups from our preliminary task, my new group is with Hayley, Leodina. We then got together and decided on a genre. We decided on a teen gritty genre and then did some research on some films that are in this genre, we focused on Kidulthood, Adulthood and and how they were advertised and promoted through posters. We then came up with three different ideas that different people wanted. We could not think of a full story so decided to add all three together and mix them up, allowing us to have a complete story. Once we had our basic idea of a story we were able to complete a script, showing a full story:

Main task – Script

  • Library
  • Dark room
Non-diegetic sound
  • Tension
Establishing long shot, a pan shot used to show location, non-diegetic sound of a tension soundtrack, camera angle zooms into the male character to show the protagonist. A close up of a ‘Martin Luther King’ history book, the camera angle zooming in to the word ‘dream’ showing an extreme close up. Extreme close up of the male character’s eye, cutaway shot of the male character running showing 180 degree rule, non-diegetic sound has frozen, only the diegetic sound of his breathing can be heard. The male character yells as he falls with a low angle shot being shown. Cutaway shot is shown of the ‘Martin Luther King’ book falling on the table non-diegetic sound returns, mid shot of the male character is shown him waking up / reacting to the dream, jumps from his chair, mid shot positioned underneath the table establishing a high angle shot of the character picking up the book and placing it back on the shelf. Diegetic sound of a crash causes a complete black out in the location of the library, non diegetic sound ends. Male character wakes up in the dark room using a mid shot, diegetic sound of his breathing is heard again, extreme close up of his eyes reacting to a bright light being shown to his face. Four female characters appear one by one, mid shot of their faces are shown with a lighter representing different colours suggesting green for jealousy, red for danger, white for innocence, blue for disappointment.

Female character with the green lighter appears with a mid shot: “You said you loved me.”

Female character with the red lighter appears with a mid shot: “And me.”

Female character with the white lighter appears with a mid shot: “And me.”

Female character with the blue lighter appears with a mid shot: “And me.”

   Once we had the script, we were able to create a storyboard, this included the camera movements, sound that we wanted to include and the mise-én-scene of the scene. We decided that we would have the three girls shown in a different coloured light. We would have girl girl in green to represent jealousy, a girl in red to represent danger and passion, a girl in white to represents innocent and a girl in blue to represent power. We also had the boy wearing a black hoody. We chose black to connotate that he is the person who is in the wrong and a hoody as it is a stereotypical item of clothing for youths.
   We decided to film in the library, as it is quiet and we would not get any background noise, so we got permission from the librarian. We also filmed in the dark room, which allowed us to make it seem as though we were filming in a big dark room, which exagerates the feeling of overpowering from the girl.