Thursday 17 February 2011

Research of Openings of Film - Adulthood


Adulthood, which is six years in the future from the previous film ‘Kidulthood’, opens by representing the male characters, who are still involved in crime by showing them breaking into a car as an older male is still in it. They then shoot this dominant character. It then goes in to representing youths as the stereotypical view, which is all about clubbing, having sex and doing crime. This follows David Morely’s oppositional reading of characters, as the youths are involved in crime.
The audience of the film is a 19 year old male. This follows Betrock’s 19 year old male theory. The representation of the stereotypical youth helps to emphasise this theory. The film introduces the idea of the hypodermic syringe theory. This means that the audience will react to the stereotyped youths and then it suggests that the audience will fear this, and believe all youths are like this.
UK Film Council, funded by the National Lottery, Pathe and Limelight. By being created by the UK Film Council affects the text by suggesting that the film is responding to the perceived stereotypical views of the youth culture. By having a British production company and the content of the film means that this film will be aimed and made specifically for British audiences.
cutaway shots are used at a fast pace to show the individual characters represent  in the previous film as a type of flash back montage for the audience to remember what has previously happened, helping them to understand what is happening. During this flash back no sound is heard whatsoever, until the flashback goes into the fight scene where only diegetic sound of punching is used to show the damage and the impact of what has happened in this fight, this adds emphasise to the violence and makes the audience pay attention so that they will understand. A club is then superimposed to show its location six years in the future. The subtitle ‘six years later’ then appears on the screen, so the audience can understand what is happening and the diegetic sound of the music helps to reinforce this.
Youths are shown in a stereotypical light (fighting, taking drugs etc) this is used to show previous views on youths and their culture, and does this by their clothes and how they speak to each other. The dominant ideology is that older people fear youth culture, and plays on their fear and portrays it in the film. This film exaggerates the fact that the media is suggesting that all youths are violent, and so more and more people are becoming afraid of youths and their violence.
This film shows what has happened previously with a fast pace flashback, it then goes six years into the future to where all the characters are now and whether or not their behaviour has changed over time. Todorov and the disequilibrium theory is used in the opening scene because it uses a flashback before the film goes into a equilibrium of six years into the future where the film begins.
I think this film is a teen gritty, social realism film. It emphasizes audience previous fear of the youth culture. Leo Baudry says that genres reflect the fears of society, in the case of Adulthood, the fears of the youth culture are emphasised and creates an idea of panic within a culture about gang and youth culture and youth culture.

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