Tuesday 5 April 2011

Main Task - Editing

   This week we started editing. To edit our piece we used Adobe Premiere Element 3.0. Hayley, Leodina and myself went through all the clips and chose which ones we wanted to keep and which ones we did not want. Once we had decided what clips we wanted we put them all together just to see a basic idea f what our finished product would look like. We soon realised that the piece was very jumpy an that it need a lot of work to make it run smoothly. We started with the four girls talking first. Because we used matches we had about 40 second of each girl waiting for the flame to be big enough. We used a technique called 'split clip' which allowed us to spilt the clip in to the part we wanted and the parts we didn't. And then letting us delete the ones we didn't. We then added the four colours for the girls. To do this we adjusted the colour balance and then added the colour we wanted to the balance. We used red, green, white and blue, the colours were used to add and emphasise the emotion of each girl.
   We then had to add the titles of our piece. We decided that we wanted the credits to flow in and out throughout the clip so we added them in, in between each shot. We also had to come up with a production company name. We decided to call ours T20 Productions as the classroom we work in is called T20. We researched some production companies logos and decided to base ours on Film 4's logo which is simple but bold.
  We then had to find music to go over the top of the piece. This was very difficult as every website we found, you either had to pay, or our computer wouldn't allow us to preview the songs. After a lot of searching, Leodina found a track that fitted in perfectly with our piece and help to add tension to it.

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