Tuesday 5 April 2011

Main Task - Voice Over

   We decided to let our class wtch our video and asked them what they thought of it. What we got back from it was that our piece was very confusing and that they didnt understand what was happening. To stop the confusion, we decided to add a vioce over which is describing what is happening and why it is happening. This is the voice over:

Leodina: This is Leo Mcgee, he is 17, and an average student, he has an average social life, every now and then he drinks too much. He had a girlfriend.

Hayley: And another

Becky: And another

Becca: And another

Leodina: But there is something wrong with him, he's just not quite right. We control his dreams, we how him whats going to happen in the future.


Leodina: He thought he was safe. He thought it was fun, he doesnt know that we know. But now, we are going to get our revenge. He. Will. Pay.

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