Tuesday 25 January 2011

Preliminary Task - Planning

   This week, we were given the brief of our task and what needed to be included in it. Before our group can move on to the main assignment, we have to complete a preliminary task. The preliminary task has to include, a character opening a door, crossing a room, sitting opposite a character and then sharing some dialogue. I thought that this would be a task that i could cope with, after we done some research and watched some past media students work, i felt confident that i would be able to complete this task at a high level.
   I got in to my group and we talked about the possibilities of stories. After discussing various ideas, we decided on a story: our story is of a homosexual boy breaking up with his boyfriend, to be with a girl. we chose something that was controversial because we thought that this would catch the audience's eye, and would be more interesting than a heterosexual break-up. We then had to write a script, which included stage directions and camera movements, though there are only five lines of dialogue in our piece as we felt that it didn't need a lot of dialogue and we could show the mood by the filming and facial expressions of the characters. After, we had our script we were able to draw a story board, which included camera movements and shots, mise-en-scéne, the timing, the sound and the editing of that shot, we used colour in our story board to help to put across mise-en-scéne and the connotation of the characters, for example red on the girl to connote danger and passion. When the story board was completed we had to come up with a shooting schedule, deciding when and where we would film certain parts, and the costume, make-up and props needed for that section. We decided to film our task in the library as it is a quiet place and we would be able to film without lots of background noise, making it easier to hear the dialogue between characters. 

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