Sunday 30 January 2011

Preliminary Task Evaluation

   We were given a brief to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. We found the filming aspect of the piece easy, but the editing was difficult to make it smooth. We decided that our story would be of a homosexual couple breaking up.
   After watching our preliminary task, we realised that there were some aspects of it that need to be improved and some aspects which were quite good.
   One aspect that I think we used well was the mise-én-scene of the scene. Our use of books about teenage problems and relationships in the background helped to emphasize the emotion and confusion of the characters. We also used colour of the clothes to emphasize the feeling of the characters as well. Putting Eve, the girl the boy walks off with in red, connotates the feelings of danger and love. We also put Nathan in a red polo top to link the two characters together and to also show danger within him.
   I also think that we used continuity editing well in our piece. During the scene, we managed to match two videos of a door closing, shooting it from one side and then the other, and made it flow without looking jumpy.
   One thing that i think that needed to change was the part where a picture of a heart is being ripped up. This part of the piece was added because when we watched the video back we realised that at one point it looked like a character had jumped across the screen a little. This is because we did not follow the 30 degree rule, and did not move the camera enough.
   I think that the narrative is a strong part of our piece. We managed to include Todorov's theory of an equilibrium, a disequilibrium and a new equilibrium withing our piece creating a complete story within our task. Our equilibrium was the two boys being a happy couple, our disequilibrium was Nathan breaking up with Joe, and the new equilibrium was Nathan being with Eve.
   I think that we represented homosexuals in a realistic manner and did not focus on the stereotypical view. We made them look like ordinary boys in a school, and we did not mention that the characters were homosexual in our dialogue. We let the audience make their own decision from the characters conversation. Although our piece looks like we are suggesting that homosexual teens should try to act straight, we did not mean for this to happen. We merely meant to create a piece that was controversial and different from anybody else's.

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