Friday 28 January 2011

Preliminary Task - Construction - Editing

   This week we started editing our piece and re-filming parts that were bad quality. We used  Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 to edit our piece. First we uploaded all of the videos and then we decided which ones we thought were good quality, and which we needed to re-film. Two members of our group then had to go and re-film the bad quality ones, while two other members had to finish putting the good videos in the correct order and making them flow.
    We then uploaded the good quality videos on to Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0, and made the video complete. However, when we watched the video back we realised that at one point the girl looked like she had jumped across the screen. We then found out that this was due to us not knowing the 30 degree rule. To overcome this problem, we inserted a visual metaphor, a picture of a heart being ripped up, to show that the second boy's heart was breaking and to show his anger within the situation. We then watched the whole thing through and were happy with the end product.

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