Thursday 27 January 2011

Preliminary task - Construction - Filming

This week we started filming our preliminary task with a video camera. Last week we had made a shooting schedule, so we knew what we wanted to film in each day and how long it would take us. I found this part quite difficult as it was sometimes hard to get the exact shot we had planned for because we couldn't get the camera in the position needed. It was also difficult because people would walk through the shot and we would then have to start that shot again.
   We started the week by going to the library to ask for permission to film there. We then shot the first four shots on the stairs leading to the library. We found that the first shot (the shot of the phone with a text on it) was difficult to get as the writing was hard to see, as it became blurred. We resolved this by taking a picture of the phone and putting that at the beginning instead of a moving image, as with a still image, it was easier to focus in on the writing.
   To play the other parts, we used a friend who had a study period at the time we were filming and a member of our group. This made filming easier as we could film what we wanted in the lessons without pulling people out of lessons. We used different angles of the camera to show the emotions of the characters. For example, a high angle shot on the second boy to show he is vulnerable as he just got dumped and a low angle shot on Nathan to show who is in control of the situation.
   When filming in the library, we decided to put books about relationships and teenage issues in the background of the shot, in the bookshelves. We thought this would add to the mise-en-scĂ©ne of the piece as it adds to the theme of homosexuality and relationships. We also put the girl that Nathan walks away with in a red dress to symbolise love and passion, but also danger to the second boy. 
   When we uploaded the contents on to the computer, we were able to watch all the clips back and decided whether we wanted to keep them or whether we should re-film them because of bad quality sound or picture. We had a couple of videos that we did not need or want due to bad sound or image, and people getting lines or movements wrong. We decided that next week we will have to re-film the clips that are bad, but for the time being we used them as a rough guide to see what our video will look like.

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